Off and on for the past 6 years, I have worked a full-time job, been in college, worked part-time, and been a stay-at-home mom. One thing I have learned – and truly appreciated about homeschooling is that it IS flexible and fluid. Homeschooling is different year to year and we can change what we need to continue homeschooling.
While I appreciate the flexibility of homeschooling I long for days of stability and routines. This past year has been full of life changes including pregnancy, lay-offs, and car problems. This year we have had to change “what works” with every life event change. Sometimes I was only able to teach twice a week and the bulk of lessons were taught by my husband. Sometimes I would be working from home delegating lessons and checking their work afterwards. At one point we relied heavily on audiobooks, documentaries, and oral narrations.
However, something that brings me a lot of peace in times of uncertainty is to remember that homeschooling is a marathon and not a sprint. We have the ability to buckle down when we can and have the grace to take breaks as family life demands.
The plan at the beginning of my last pregnancy was for me to come home full-time to focus on raising our kids, homeschooling, and homemaking. While I wasn’t particularly thrilled to put my career on hold again I knew I wouldn’t want to send the kids to public school or a day care. We have always been a single-income family and knew that this decision would have pros and cons but are willing to make anything work.
At my 6-week postpartum checkup, our truck died. Picture 3 kids, 22 degrees, the first snow of the season, having no support in the state we live in, or savings. Luckily my husband was with me and was able to shoulder the stress of ” HOW THE HECK ARE WE GETTING HOME”
The story of how we got home is not the point of my post and may be willing to share it at some point, but the true reason for this post is to explain that no matter what life throws at us God WILL make a way. We were called to homeschool I know that without a doubt. Along the way we have questioned our decision multiple times and every time have been reminded about what a gift it is to educate your children.
It is a gift to know our children are safe. It is a gift to tailor our children’s education to their specific needs. It is a gift to preserve their innocence. It is a gift to bring connection to our family. While we don’t have the most money I guarantee we have the most memories.
When you choose to make a hard decision like homeschooling, being a single-income family, or going against the “norm” just know that you are not alone and having a community is so helpful even if its only online. I don’t have family or friends near me and am building a spot online to connect with you. Let’s get to know each other and support each other through the tough decisions we as moms have to make.
Talk to you soon!
Miss Jade